Out and about in Valencia, March 15
We had been invited to meet a group of David and Patrick’s friends for dinner so napped a bit during the day. Dinner for most Spaniards begins about 7:30 or 8:00 PM. Since we wanted to enjoy the company, we took it easy.
One thing we did walk to see was a set of Roman ruins discovered in the city. Almost any city in Spain of any size has this issue. You dig somewhere for a new building and find Roman or Visigoth, or Moorish remains. David saw some pictures of the ruins of a Roman villa or large farm that were uncovered when the construction began on the expansion of the train station in Cordoba. Archeologist evaluated the site, gathered what was possible, and the station was built. In Valencia, an amazing collection of ruins span more than a thousand years of history.
When a medieval building was demolished, the upper layers showed traces of several older buildings. As the archologists began digging, they found it was a treasure. One after another, traces of the various historic cultures of the city were revealed. It is considered one of the best sites for seeing the progression of European history in physical ruins. You can get more information at the link below.
Almoina Museum — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Almoina Archaeological Museum | Museo Arqueológico Almoina (visitvalencia.com)