Out and about in Valencia… March 12
We left the house early to visit the Presentación de los Ninots. It is about 2.5 mile walk through the park Valencia built over the Turia River. We entered the park via the stairs across the street from David’s apartment building and strolled to the Arts and Sciences Center. The buildings are recent and include not only the event building, but several others including an opera house and an aquarium. (I have met my step goals by overages this trip!)
Inside the event building, the casals display something to give a clue as to what their completed Fallas display will look like. Some are just one small piece while others are larger and more elaborate. With the number of casals, more than 350, the selection is overwhelming.
Tradition dictates that each casal has both a large Fallas display and a small, side display oriented to the children. When you enter, your purchased ticket allows you to vote on one adult Fallas and one infanta Fallas. This year’s winner of the children’s display is one both of us found especially sweet. (below)
After our visit, we caught a cab to the center of the city so we could witness la Mascletá. As described earlier, it is not so much a fireworks show as a percussion experience, or maybe just an experience. After my first, I told David I would be willing to go every day they held it. I didn’t actually do that since the second day was hot and several people fainted, but I did join the crowd twice. You can hear the display from most of the city, but you can’t feel it unless you are in the square.