A Squirrelly Mockingbird
Painted by Orville Rice
Here above Sulfur Creek we have two large dogs whose main reason for residency is supposed to be guarding the property. Now these two part St. Bernard, dog food disposals, guard the property but mainly from squirrels. The other morning, after my early morning walk, I was enjoying the song of our resident virtuoso mockingbird. We have been blessed with several generations whose repertory of copied bird noises runs from quail to Mexican jays. They have added a new one however, much to the confusion of the dogs.
As I was retrieving the newspaper from the end of the driveway, I heard the sharp teasing chatter of the squirrel. Instead of his usual perch on the house eaves, he seemed to be on the telephone pole. The dogs reacted immediately. With deep belled yelps, they attacked the bottom of the telephone pole, turning frequently to assure I was watching them save the yard again from the vicious marauding squirrel. As I watched bemused at the silliness of the canines, I realized the chattering was coming from the mockingbird! The frequent teasing of the dogs by the feisty, fluffy tailed rats allowed the very talented mockingbird to add another noise to his repertory. And our resident squirrel hunters are foiled once again!
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